Emma and Ed live in Derbyshire, so when we were deciding where to do their pre wedding photography we were looking for somewhere between there and Leamington Spa
I love photographing couples in a really relaxed environment, usually being drawn to nature. I knew that this was something these guys loved the idea of too, so an outdoor location that wouldn't be crowded was a top priority...
We decided to meet in the evening. As we had scheduled the photoshoot during the summer months we had the long summer evenings to play with, it was so lovely and warm strolling around in the setting sun, so peaceful.
We found a woodland in the perfect location, the sun was peeking through the trees which looked really cool. After a little stroll here we headed to a nearby field which Emma and Ed had spotted en route. We stayed here till the sun dipped beyond the horizon and we even caught a little glimpse of the moon as blue hour swept over us
We chatted about how their wedding plans were coming along and about Tipple Adventures ( their super cool mobile bar company ) which would be making an appearance at their wedding in September. Check out a few of the photographs from this chilled out couple shoot below...

To see more of what I get up to when photographing lovely weddings, wonderful couples, and the coolest families, check out @fayegreenphoto on Instagram or Facebook
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